A Preview into the BackOffice

Modified on Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 08:58 AM



Welcome to the CHILI publisher BackOffice.

This is where your designers will create templates for use within Lytho Tempo.

There are three main panels within the menu: Resources, Settings, and System. You're going to spend most of your time within resources and settings.

If we look within the Resources panel, you can view your documents (AKA, those templates that you're building) as well as the fonts and assets that will be used in your original base design.

Within Settings, this is where you can focus on some of those presets and options you can use over and over again for your smart templates.

For example, here we've got our PDF export settings. So what do you want your end users to be able to export your tempo templates as? Do you need a print ready PDF? Do you need a low-res PDF?

We've also got our barcode types over here. So if you want a barcode or a QR code added to one of your templates, you can set that up here. A good use case would be a business card with a QR code linked to your LinkedIn profile or your Calendly link.

Really, you're going spend most of your nitty gritty time within the Documents panel because this is where you're going to use the editor to build your templates for use.

If I were to look at a template that we have built, you'll notice that this is built on a folder structure very similar to a server. Let's click into this social media graphic.

Welcome to the BackOffice Editor.

This is where you can either import your InDesign or Illustrator file files, or you can actually build directly within the Editor. That is purely up to your designer's preference, but you'll notice that there are lots of different, panels and options here.

You can insert frames, so you can insert a text frame, an image, one of those barcodes that you created.

We also have the option to set up the logic for your end template. So this is our variable data set. You'll see that I have an image variable set up. So when my end user goes into tempo to create their template, they'll have the option to replace this image.

If they were speaking at our Lythopia conference, they can add a nice professional headshot, share it on their LinkedIn, get people really excited about all of the knowledge and value that they plan to share at the conference. As you can imagine at a conference, you're going have multiple speakers. So rather than mass creating these, trying to collect people's contact information, do they want to go by their formal name, a nickname? What picture do they like? We can create this template and let them do it themselves.

This is just a nice little taste of what you can expect from the BackOffice.

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