DivvyHQ integrates with the Lytho Digital Asset Manager. With this integration, you can find and share approved assets from Lytho without leaving Divvy. 

In order to use this integration, you'll need a Lytho DAM subscription. Contact Support to learn more! 


How to Connect

To connect your DivvyHQ account with the Lytho DAM, go to the Attachments tab of a content item  or campaign you are working on and click Attach file from Lytho DAM.

In the pop-up window, input your Lytho URL login details:

Next, provide your personal Lytho user login credentials:

Lastly, select Yes to grant DivvyHQ access to your Lytho DAM. 

Once authorization is granted, you will see an additional message stating the authorization was successful. Close your browser tab and you are now connected! 


If you wish to log out of your Lytho account when you are done, click the Exit icon in the top right of the Lytho file browser interface.

Then select Logout.

Your connection to the Lytho DAM through DivvyHQ will expire after 1 hour. You will need to re-log in to Lytho with your credentials (or use SSO) to gain access again.

Browse Your Assets

From there, you will see your Lytho DAM file repository. You can browse for a file that you'd like to attach by scrolling, utilizing the Global Search to find a file by a specific tag, or take advantage of the Filters panel. 

The assets will then populate into the Attachments tab.