PDF Export Settings in Tempo allow you to create tailored export options for your end users, whether they need high-resolution files for printing or compressed PDFs for digital use. This guide will walk you through creating and managing PDF export options.

Lytho Pro Tip: PDF settings are also relevant for PNG and JPG files because CHILI generates a PDF before converting documents into images.

From the CHILI BackOffice, navigate to the Settings tab. Under the Export Settings column, you'll find an option for PDF Export Settings—this is where you can create and configure different PDF export options for your end users.

If you’ve already set up PDF export profiles, they will be listed here. Common options might include:

  • Crops and Bleeds for printing
  • High-Res PDF for high-quality needs
  • Low-Res PDF for smaller file sizes

To create a new export option, select the Add New button located at the bottom left.

Name the new option based on its purpose, such as Digital PDF for files meant for websites or social media.

Now, you can define the export settings for the new profile:

  • File Type Options: Select or unselect specific settings based on what you need.
  • Image Quality: Choose whether the images within the PDF should be high quality for print, low quality for web use, or anything in between.
  • Compression and Resolution: Fine-tune the compression, pixel count, and other image-related settings to match the purpose of the PDF.
  • Embed Fonts: If you choose not to embed your fonts, you may get unexpected behavior when your text is rendered. Ensure your font license permits embedding before proceeding.

Save Changes when your updates are complete.

After configuring the settings, your new PDF export options will now be available to end users when they create and export a publication using your Tempo template.