Within the Brand Center you will see an overview of all brand guides that are available for you. Based on your user role and assigned rules you might not be able to see all guides. Brand guides can be used to store a variety of information, but are most commonly used to outline a company’s brand identity. There can be several brand guidelines in one Brand Center, for example when a travel agency consists of multiple (sub)brands or agencies.


Viewing Brand Guides

Access the Brand Center from either the button below the search bar on the homepage, or the global navigation bar located at the very top of your page throughout the application.  

Inside the Brand Center you will see all of the brand guides available to you. Use the search bar to quickly locate a brand guide and search by tags.


By default, your brand guides will be sorted by creation date with the newest being first, but this can be updated by Starring your Brand Guides. Starring your Brand Guides allows you to specify which Brand Guides are most important by listing the starred items above the rest. This will be visible to all users within the account.

From the Brand Center page, find the Brand Guide you'd like to star and select the ellipses to bring up a list of additional options. From this list, select Add to starred.

You can remove this separation of starred vs unstarred by clicking on the Group by starred icon just above the brand guides.

Additional sorting options can be found by selecting the dropdown menu just above the brand guides and select to sort by Name, Relevance, Modified date, Created date, or Created by. Click the up and down arrow to sort in ascending or descending order. 

When clicking into an individual brand guide, you'll find an interactive index on the left side that you can use to navigate directly to a specific section.


Downloading Content

When content is available to download you will see an attachment dropdown to the right of the asset(s). Click the attachment dropdown and select the download icon to the right of the asset name to download.


When color pallets are used in brand guides you can quickly copy the HEX# by clicking the copy icon on the appropriate color block.

Actions In Brand Guides

Depending on your user role and assigned rules, you might be able to take a few actions within a brand guide:


The toggle Edit Mode allows you to edit the brand guide. When finished editing, use the same toggle to switch to view mode again.

Any changes you make in edit mode will remain in draft until you click Publish.

Duplicate Brand guide allows you to duplicate a guide that you want to use in the creation of a new guide.


Internal messaging functionality allows you to send a message regarding a brand guide to a user or group of users. 

External sharing functionality allows you to share a brand guide with someone outside of the platform by generating a URL or sending directly to their email.