DivvyHQ's task management features have been designed to mimic the functionality and experience of other popular project management systems like Basecamp or Asana. When working with specific content items, users can add and manage production tasks to ensure important production, review or approval steps are completed, as well as getting a quick understanding of the current status of a content project.

To edit an individual production task, locate the task either on your Dashboard (Production Tasks column), the calendar interface, or by clicking the 'Edit details' option under each task name in the Divvy Sandbox. Clicking the 'Edit details' option will trigger a slide-in form on the right, enabling you to edit that task's details.

Production Task Fields

A variety of fields are available to store task details or update the progress and deadlines of the task. The available fields and options can be used to do the following:

  • Open in Sandbox - If you are needing to quickly get to the content item associated to the task, click this option
  • Task Name - Provide a name for the task so your team is clear on its purpose
  • Task Description - Add additional details
  • Assigned To - Specify one or more people to be assigned to the task
  • Status - Specify the current state of this task
  • Priority - Specify the importance of this task
  • Duration - Specify how long this task should take to complete
  • Start By & Complete By dates/times - Specify when this task should be started and completed
  • Percent Complete - Tell your team how much of this task has been completed
  • Log Hours - Record the amount of time that was spent on this task
  • Comments - Collaborate with your team on this particular task

Keeping your tasks updated is a great way to keep your team updated on the progress you've made. With diligent management, perhaps you're able to cut down on "status report" meetings, emails or phone calls...at least that's the goal!