Request download for multiple blocked assets

A user can request to download multiple assets that are currently blocked in one single action. From now on, this can also be handled as one task approving these assets instead of separate tasks for every single requested asset.

Asset name on share page instead of asset filename

Instead of the asset file name being displayed as the title of an asset on the share page (for example Logo_black.jpg), the share page will now display the actual asset name that has been set in the asset manager. Only if no asset name has been set, the title will fall back to its default: the asset file name.

Bulleted lists in richtext fields for publications

In InDesign, a paragraph style can be configured as a bulleted list which allows you to automatically add bullets to your text when assigning this paragraph style. The richtext editor was already capable of recognizing if a paragraph style should be a bulleted list, but now it will also display the bullets in the richtext editor. Thereby users have even a better experience when creating publications with such lists.