New Features

Custom Color Coding

Foster accessibility while injecting vibrancy into custom views and project management! Custom color coding creates a shared visual language within the team, providing a quick and easy way to take in information. Users don't need to click into items and read the details; instead, a quick scan of a colorized custom view provides the pertinent info at a glance.

Click on the badge to customize items based on brand, project team or specialties, deliverable type, audience, or requesting department. The possibilities are boundless, colorful, and WCAG 2.0 AA compliant!

Request File Markup

When it comes to providing directions for edits to an asset, showing is often so much easier than telling. Bridge communication gaps between Requesters and Acceptors with the ability to mark up request attachments!

Decrease intake cycle duration, reduce confusion, and save designer time with fewer review versions when Requesters can easily provide accurate direction for desired changes.

Feeling nostalgic? Here's what we released...