A newer review experience is currently available to a subset of Lytho customers. If you are using this new version, please navigate here for more support. 


What is Versioning?

Lytho allows for the Proof Uploader to submit sequential versions of the same document, so that after implementing feedback in their design, these versions will be associated together, and comparable in the review environment. 

If the proof is versioned, you can also access previous versions by selecting the versioning icon located to the right of the proof name. The proof’s version history will open to the left. Hover over the version you’d like to reference to open it in either side-by-side comparison or a new tab of your browser.

The current version indicator is shown to the right of the View Versions icon so that you can quickly view which version is active in your browser window.

Side-by-side Comparison

To enter side-by-side comparison mode, hover over the version you would like to open. Click to select 'Side-by-side comparison' to open both versions on the same screen. The past version will open to the left of the current version.

Once side-by-side has loaded, you can click the lock icon near the bottom center of the screen to pan, zoom, rotate, and navigate through both versions in tandem. This can be really powerful when attempting to compare and confirm changes on specific elements of the versioned assets.

In side-by-side comparison mode you will be able to annotate, comment and take normal action on the currently active proof. If you attempt to annotate the older version of the asset, your cursor will display a universal no symbol denoting the prohibited functionality.

If your asset has gone through more than one iteration, you can choose from any past version to compare. Next to the navigation menu, you will see a drop down menu allowing you to chose the version number of your choice.

At any point you can exit side-by-side comparison by selecting the red close icon in the bottom center of the page, or the EXIT SIDE-BY-SIDE COMPARISON button in the top left of the screen. This will return you to the active, normal review.

Read-Only Mode

Previous versions will always show in read-only mode. When a new version of a proof has been uploaded, this will end all active reviews on all previous versions.