An overview of navigating the Content Interface.


The Divvy Details

If your organization manages a lot of ongoing content initiatives, there’s a good chance your calendar and content interface are jam-packed with content items...AND you may not want to see it all. Thankfully, DivvyHQ’s filtering tools make it easy to focus in on the content you want to see. You can do this on the fly, as well as establish default, filtered views within the Content and Calendar interfaces.

Saved Views

 To adjust your default view, start by selecting the content tab you want to configure. Adjust the available filters (Calendars, Dates, Team members, Content-Type, etc.) You can save your preferred view by clicking "Add New View".



Filtering in the Content interface is the same as in the Calendar interface, except for the addition of the Dates filter. Inside the Dates filter, you can choose from 5 different types of dates to filter by: Deadline, Promotion, Published, Maintenance, and Creation date. You can also choose if you want to filter by a specific date range, or a dynamic range like Next 7 Days or Last 90 Days.


Note: The last column you sort in a saved view is remembered as a preference for that saved view. In short, you sort, Divvy remembers!

Edit Columns

Within the Content Interface, you can also customize the data columns that you’d like to be present in the data table. Towards the right-hand side of the Content Interface is the Edit Columns drop-down. Like with the other filters, you can select which columns to show or not show and set your default set of data columns for that tab. Click "Apply" at the bottom when you are done selecting your columns.

Column Order

And if that wasn’t enough customization, you can actually change the order of the columns within your content view. Hovering over each column header will display a drag bars icon at the top right of each column. Then simply click and drag the column to the left or right and drop it in your desired location. This column order will now be your default view going forward.


Bulk Actions

The Content Interface allows you to perform a few Bulk Actions with your content and more are in the works. Currently, you can bulk delete, bulk approve, and bulk publish multiple content items in one shot. To perform one of these bulk actions, select your desired content items and click the bulk actions drop-down. Select which bulk action you want to perform and then click Apply.

Exporting Content to CSV

Need to output your content data? We make that pretty easy with our Export to CSV feature. Start by using your content filters to narrow your content list down to the content items you wish to export. Then just hit the CSV button in the upper right hand of the Content Interface.

Printing DivvyHQ Screens

Need to print your Divvy content list for a meeting or to email to a colleague? DivvyHQ’s content and calendar interfaces can both be printed by clicking the print icon near the top right of each screen.