Based on your authorizations, you can assign or be assigned tasks within Lytho DAM to review newly added assets or created publications.

A task will automatically be assigned to all users that are authorized to approve assets when approval is needed. This means that all users with the authorization to approve assets and/or publications will receive a task in their to-do list. However, a task can be assigned to one specific user. When assigned to a specific user, the task will still be visible in the To-Do list for the other authorized users, but only the assignee will keep the To-Do count for this task.

Viewing and Assigning Tasks

Tasks and can be viewed from your To Do list in the navigation bar and a badge will show the number of tasks needing attention. 

Clicking a task within the list will bring you directly to the appropriate module where the task can be completed.

Assign and reassign tasks directly from the to-do list by clicking the carat to the right of the avatar and selecting a user. Tasks can also be viewed, assigned, and completed within the Waiting Room and Publication pages.