
If you have the correct permissions, and enough Reviewer seats available, you can downgrade a Full User to a Reviewer in the Team Members management area. You can get there by clicking your name in the upper right and selecting Account Admin. Then click the Team Members tab in the top left. Once there, follow the step-by-step process below.

  1. Find the team member you wish to downgrade and hover on their row
  2. Click the View/Edit Member link within that row to display the Edit Team Member overlay.
  3. Click the 'Downgrade to reviewer' button in the top left.
  4. You may receive a pop-up window asking to confirm you wish to downgrade them to a Reviewer if they have a role that is higher than a Reviewer on any calendar already. Click OK.

downgrade to reviewer

If the downgrade is successful, you'll receive a downgrade notification success message at the top of your screen.