What is Versioning?
Lytho’s Proof Versioning allows uploaders to upload and manage sequential versions of a document, ensuring all feedback is documented, applied, and tracked in one place. All versions remain accessible in a centralized view, allowing reviewers to quickly compare changes, verify updates, and streamline approvals. With an automatic version history and audit trail, Lytho Proof Versioning ensures teams stay aligned, minimize rework, and always move forward with the most up-to-date file.
If the Review is versioned, you can access previous versions by selecting the View Version icon located to the right of the Review name. The Review’s version history will open. Select the version you’d like to reference.
The current version indicator is shown to the right of the View Versions icon so that you can quickly view which version is active in your browser window.
Side-by-Side Comparison
To enter side-by-side comparison mode, select the View Versions icon then Side-by-Side under the past version you would like to compare. The past version will open to the left of the current version.
In side-by-side comparison mode, you will be able to annotate, comment, and take normal action on the currently active proof. You will not be able to annotate on older versions of the asset.
At any point you can exit side-by-side comparison by selecting the Exit Side-by-Side at the top center of the page. This will return you to the active, normal review.
Read-Only Mode
Previous versions will open in read-only mode. When a new version of a Proof has been uploaded, this will end all active reviews on all previous versions.