Lytho’s Bulk Version Updater eliminates the tedious task of updating assets individually. Upload up to 1,000 files at once, auto-approve, and set them as the active version — all while ensuring accuracy and up-to-date content. With this time-saving tool, admins and asset managers can focus on improving workflows, driving team efficiency, and keeping assets organized as your library grows. 


Updating Your User Role

To access the Bulk Version Updater, you must first update your user Role. Select the Settings gear icon > Roles tab. Then choose the stacked ellipses button to the right of the Role that need to be updated > Edit.

From the DAM tab, toggle on Bulk version updater and select Save

Bulk version updater rule

Once enabled in the user Role, the Bulk Version Updater button will now appear in the Asset Manager. 

Bulk version updater button

Lytho Pro Tip: Assets uploaded via the Bulk Version Updater will automatically be approved. It is best practice for users with the Bulk Version Updater rule to also have the Approve Assets rule toggled on within their user Role. 

Updating Asset Versions in Bulk

To begin bulk updating asset versions, select the Bulk Version Updater button from the Asset Manager tab. 

Within the Bulk Version Updater, you will have a place to upload all new assets that should replace current versions within your DAM. Up to 1,000 assets can be updated at a single time. 

Bulk version updater panel

For the versioning to be successful, asset names must be an exact match. If the versioning is unsuccessful, the Status will appear as X Not Matched and the asset will not be uploaded to the Asset Manager.

Bulk version updater log

Assets uploaded with the Bulk Version Updater will automatically be approved and added to the DAM. The uploaded assets will become the active asset version and current assets will be set as an inactive version.