This article walks through the details of creating and managing a recurring content series, which works much like a setting up a recurring event or meeting in most calendar applications.
The Divvy Details
For decades, publishers have been utilizing recurring topics and content themes to generate interest and build audience. This content tactic certainly hasn't slowed down in the digital era. With this in mind, DivvyHQ gives you the ability to create a single content item (a social post, blog post, etc.) and turn it into a recurring series, which saves you time by duplicating the original item and automatically adding the new entries to your editorial schedule.
Here's How it Works:
- Add a new content item and click Edit Details
- Go through the content editor and fill in all relevant details/fields to ensure that this first content item is a good "template" for the duplicates that will be created
- Specify an initial deadline for this content item (the day/time of the first item in this series)
- Click Save Changes to save the content item's details.
- Now, click Make into Series.
Make into Series
After clicking Make into Series, the toggle for 'Make This Content a Recurring Series' will automatically be on.
After clicking Make into Series, the toggle for 'Make This Content a Recurring Series' will automatically be on.
Select how often the content item repeats (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), on what day the recurrence starts, and when the recurrence should end. These settings should be relatively familiar if you've ever set up a recurring event in Google Calendar or Outlook. When done, click Save Changes.
You'll now have multiple copies of your original content item displayed on your Divvy calendar. Each content item can be edited individually. You can also elect to update "all future items" in the series if bulk changes need to be made to all future content items in the series.