Hey folks, Brody Dorland here with an updated walkthrough of our DivvyHQ dashboard interface. This interface is designed to provide a quick snapshot of what's due, what's done and what your team is working on right now. It's also highly configurable for each user's personal preferences, so let's get into it.
I'll start over here on the left where we have our Recent Activity feed. This chronological feed show you exactly what is happening on your various content projects. You'll see when team members complete tasks, add comments, upload content assets, and more.
Next we have a variety of list modules that show everything from upcoming content and task deadlines, to recently published content. You can pick and choose up to 5 modules you want to display by selecting them within the Modules dropdown. While I'm here, quick note that there are a few new list modules that you might want to check out. We've added an Unscheduled Content module, which lists content projects and parked ideas that haven't yet been scheduled on your calendar, and the My Active Tasks module, which will list any tasks where it's your turn in a workflow.
Once you've added the modules you want, you can drag the modules around to achieve your preferred layout.
Next, you have the ability to easily filter each of these dashboard modules. For example, let's say that I'm a copywriter for our blog and I really don't need to see all of the other content deadlines from across my organization. By clicking the little gear icon in the Content Items Due module, I have the option to filter by date range, calendar or team members.
In this case, I'm going to just select the ACME blog calendar, since that's what I primarily work on each day. Then clicking the Update Feed button, I'll narrow my list of upcoming deadlines down to just upcoming blog post deadlines. From now on, every time I come back to my dashboard, Divvy will remember those filter settings and only display blog deadlines.
If I ever want to remove that filter, simply open the module's settings, click Clear Filters in the lower left and click Update Feed. Your preferences will be saved each time you update your filters.
Last but not least, when you want to find out more information on a particular content project or task, simply single click the item to trigger the preview panel.
From this panel, you can easily adjust most of the item's details, add comments, view and add attachments and manage tasks. If you'd prefer to dive into the full details of a project, you can click the Sandbox link at the top, or double click on a content item title throughout the dashboard.
We hope you like the improvements we've made to provide better visibility into your upcoming projects and a big thank you to those who've provided feedback. The 3.0 dashboard is a direct result of your ideas and feature requests.
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