The Divvy Details
The final step in the form-creation wizard gives you a few notification options that are designed to either keep requesters in-the-loop about the status of their request, or not. It's your choice.
We've built a basic workflow into our content requests module that revolves around the Status field. Content requests start off as "New" requests, then proceed through "Reviewed", "Approved", and "Converted", which is the process of converting a request into an actual content item/project. You can also choose to deny a request by selecting the "Denied" status.
These status changes are where the notifications come in. In an effort to A) keep requesters updated on the state of their request, and B) eliminate the need for you to manually keep them updated, we have three notification options for you to choose from.
Option 1 - Send status notifications automatically
If you choose this option, when you update the status of a content request, an email notification will be sent immediately to the original requester. The email will look like the example below, minus the "Moderator Note" section (see option 2).
Option 2 - Let me choose which to send
This option still provides some automation with keeping requesters informed, but gives you some flexibility to decide whether or not to send individual status updates, as well as allowing you to input a custom message (see "Moderator Note" in the screenshot above). So upon changing the status of a content request, you'll be presented with a modal that lets you choose whether or not to send the update, and add a custom message.
If you want to send the status notification, click Send. If you don't, click Don't Send.
Option 3 - Don't send status notifications
If your stakeholders don't want or don't care to be notified about the status of their requests, you can opt to shut all notifications off altogether. It's up to you and them.
With that decision made, your form is ready to be created. Just hit the Create CR Form button to complete the process!
If you want to change your notification preferences for a particular form in the future, form admins can update this on the form detail view.