When departments house their work in different tools, there’s bound to be duplicate data entry to maintain visibility and alignment. With Lytho’s Jira integration, tasks from Lytho can be sent to Jira for automated, seamless collaboration between creative, marketing, content, and digital teams.


Connecting Your Account

Within Lytho, navigate to Account Settings then Integrations. Toggle on the Jira integration and select Connect Jira

In the pop-up modal, select Connect

Another window will appear. From the Choose a site dropdown, select the Atlassian account you would like to connect Lytho to then hit Accept

After a successful connection, you will be taken back to Lytho. From the Site dropdown, select the Jira site you would like to connect Lytho to then hit Finish.

You can now create an issue in Jira from a Lytho Task. 

Turning a Lytho Task into a Jira Issue

Create a Task in Lytho and fill in Task details. 

The following Task data points will carry over from Lytho to Jira:

  • Name
  • Status
  • Due Date
  • Description
  • Attachments

Statuses must be represented in both platforms for the integration to work. For example, if the Task status is To-Do, there must be an equal status of To-Do within Jira. If the status does not exist in both platforms, the sync will silently fail and the Jira Story will not be created.

The first Team Member assigned to the Lytho Task will also transfer with the sync as the assignee on the Jira Story. 

Jira only allows for a single user to be assigned to a Story. If the email address of the Lytho Team Member does not exist in Jira, the Story will be created without an assignee and can be found under Unassigned content in Jira. 

The Creator of the Jira Story will appear as the person who established the integration.

When ready to pass the Task over to Jira, navigate to the Integrations tab within the Task and select Create Story

This integration is currently a one-time sync. Any adjustments made within Lytho or Jira after the Jira story is made will not be synced between platforms.

Your Lytho Task has now been turned into a Jira Story.