This article discusses the fields and intended use of the Content Strategy section located in the Details Tab of the DivvyHQ Sandbox.

The Divvy Details

DivvyHQ's content strategy fields provide a foundation of metadata that keeps content producers focused and allows you to properly categorize, tag, filter, feed, track and analyze content in any number of ways. Identifying the taxonomies and metadata that will bring structure to your content is an essential element of proper content strategy. With these best practices in mind, DivvyHQ offers a set of content strategy fields that most organizations can utilize, including: 

  • Campaign - Connect a content item to a larger campaign, click the connected campaign to open its corresponding campaign slide-in, or double click it to go straight to its corresponding Campaign's Detail view
  • Target Audiences - The relevant audiences for whom you are producing this content
  • Topics / Categories - The topics or categories that will be covered in this content item
  • Buyer Stage - The stage of your buyer/audience's buying journey for which your are creating this content
  • Keywords / Tags - Include any primary keywords or tags that may be important for your CMS or SEO
  • Publishing Channels - Where is this piece of content being published (website, email engine, distribution system, social channel, etc.)?
  • Promotional Channels - Where should this piece of content be promoted? This is great for companies who have separate social media teams!

Our Recommendation

Within DivvyHQ's Calendar Admin, account administrators and editors have the ability to pre-populate these fields with relevant values (topics, target audiences, etc.). This is highly recommended. If those customizations have been made, this Content Strategy section will include those populated values. 

It is also highly recommended that content owners specify this metadata for each content item. DivvyHQ filtering and reporting functionality won't be as valuable without this associated metadata. For example: Running a target audience report won't return any data if no content has been tagged with the relevant target audience.

Additionally, if individual content strategy fields are very important to your tracking/reporting process, they can be required (setting in the Calendar Admin), which means a field value will have to be specified/checked in order for the content item to be saved.


Users also have the ability to add new content strategy field values while in edit mode on an individual content item. Simply type in your desired content strategy, then press enter or hit the green Add button.

When added, users will be asked if the new content strategy value should be made available for other calendars in the account. You can decide whether this propagation is appropriate.


Lastly, if certain content strategy fields simply aren't relevant for your content strategy or production process, you can disable (hide) those fields within the DivvyHQ calendar admin. If you disable a field, that field will not be visible within Divvy's Sandbox and CI Slide-in > Content Strategy section.