Custom color coding creates a shared visual language within the team, providing a quick and easy way to take in information. Users don't need to click into item and read the details; instead, a quick scan of a colorized custom view provides the pertinent info at a glance.

In addition to making information more accessible, colors bring your custom views to life by adding a visual element to project management, making it more engaging and interesting for team members.

Features described in this article are not included in all subscription plans. Interested in expanding your feature set? Contact our Support Team for further assistance.


Changing Badge Colors

Any Admin or Team Member with access to a work item can change the badge color by selecting the Badge Icon, using the color slider, keying in the Hex value or providing the RGB values, and selecting Save.

Duplicated work will keep the badge color of the item being copied.

At the bottom of the Color selector is your color history and Lytho's default color scheme.

Color History

Each time you select a color and click Save, the color will be saved to your color history. Every user will have their own personal color history, saving their 10 most recent color selections. After 10 selections have been saved, additional selections will overwrite the oldest saved color in the history.

Using Color to Highlight Key Data

A work item's color is reflected throughout Lytho Workflow for all users to keep color meanings consistent. Whether you're looking at the badge in a List View, the bar on a Gantt View, or the timeline on a Calendar View you'll see the custom color.

(List View - My Projects)

(Gantt View - My Projects)

(Calendar View - My Work)

Lytho Pro Tip: When paired with the Shared Custom Views feature, your custom color coded work items are shared, creating a visual language within the team, and providing a quick and easy way to take in information and highlight key work.

Utilize the power of Project Templates and automate the color coding of your team's work. Determine how you want to apply color to Projects and their corresponding work items, set the colors inside your templates, and remove the manual need to apply color to each Project, Task, and Proof created! 

Lytho Pro Tip: As you select colors, think in categories. Do you want to categorize it by project team or specialties, brand, deliverable type, or requesting department? Programming these into Project Templates ensures consistency!

Helpful Tips

Icon Colors

The colors you select will reflect WCAG 2.0 AA guidelines.


If the color tone you select is bright, the work item logo will be set in black:

If the color tone you select is dark, the work item logo will be set in white:

Tracking Color Changes

Did a color change and you're unsure why? Use the Activity Log to identify who changed the color and when.