There are four Adobe extensions. The functionality is similar between InDesign and Illustrator.
- Download + Install
- CHILI Converter 4 extension (necessary)
- CHILI Live Preflight 4 (helpful)
- Package for CHILI 4 (optional)
- CHILI Data Manager 4 (optional)
Download + Install
Adobe InDesign Extension 7.1 (zip download)
Adobe Illustrator Extension 7.1 (zip download)
CHILI Converter 4 extension (necessary)
Use to convert your document from an InDesign document to a CHILI document.
Login Details
- Server
- URL (use your environment URL) example:
- Environment name (not customizable)
- Username (your username to access CHILI BackOffice)
- Password (your password to access CHILI BackOffice)
- Import Settings
- Documents, Images, Fonts
- Set location for where these items will be organized in the BackOffice.
- Can be named whatever you want based on items like brand identity, campaign name, project name, etc.… you can also browse existing folders.
- Recommended Document options:
- Documents, Images, Fonts

- Export to CHILI Publisher
- Confirm what layers you want to bring into CHILI as locked layers.
- Optional - “Open document in browser” - will just open the Editor and not the full BackOffice, some functionality won’t be there
- Click “Go!”
- It will always ask if you want to save.
- Export to InDesign
CHILI Live Preflight 4 (helpful)
The Preflight plugin that will show possible issues on conversion.
When you have no issues, or an empty document, you will see no messages.

Checkbox: “Real time preflight” will trigger real time search for issues and keeps the panel up to date. If unchecked: Click the “Preflight document” button.
When you have elements that will not convert well to CHILI publisher, a message will appear in the panel.

Clicking on the line, will show details below.

The message contains:
- Type: Warning or error to check
- Warnings
- You don't need to fix warnings, it's just an awareness of potential issues - CHILI may not support all the features InDesign has (i.e., rounded corners of boxes)
- Errors
- You must fix or will not upload to editor.
- Warnings
- Issue: A short description of the issue, click for details below the list
- Page: Where the issue is located in the document
- Actions
- An arrow to bring you to the issue / frame.
- A wrench to suggest a possible fix.
Depending on the possible fix, the plugin will fix it for you.
We’ve also created an InDesign checklist for importing into CHILI BackOffice to set you up for success!
Package for CHILI 4 (optional)
- Not needed for most use cases
- Usually this is all covered in the CHILI Converter extension.
CHILI Data Manager 4 (optional)
(Optional) Use this extension to pre-tag CHILI variables in your InDesign document. This could make your life easier when working in CHILI’s BackOffice Editor.
- In InDesign:
- Open Tags window (in Utilities/Tags)
- List the variables you want your end users to be able to edit.
- Select the objects in your InDesign document, then click on the tag name that should be associated with that object.
- In CHILI Manager 4 panel (InDesign Window/Extensions)
- Frame Tag Source: InDesign Tag
- Image variables source: Script label
- Text variable source
- Click “Apply to this document”
- Note, if you’ve already uploaded your document in the CHILI Converter 4 panel, you will need to upload the document again for these changes to be reflected.