✔ Make sure your file is as light as possible.
✔ Fonts
- Use only either otf or ttf fonts (other fonts are not supported).
- Do not use Adobe fonts.
- Do not use variable fonts.
- CHILI does not support Optical Kerning. Change any text (and relevant Paragraph or Character Styles) to Metrics Kerning instead.
- Fonts are installed on your machine.
✔ Paragraph and Character Styles
- Define any styles you want to bring into your CHILI document.
- Select and delete any unused styles.
✔ Colors
- Create swatches for the colors you want to bring into your CHILI document.
- Select and delete any unused swatches.
✔ Text Frames
- Make sure you have enough space in your text boxes for any new text your users will add in Tempo.
- Make sure the text boxes are not so large that they will overlap other elements if your users fill them with text in Tempo.
- Remove any unused text frames.
✔ Objects and Layers
- Clean up any unnecessary text or images in the pasteboard and remove any unused objects.
- Group static images together.
- Make a layer for your variable objects and layer for your static objects.
✔ Run the CHILI preflight panel
- Install the CHILI preflight extension here: CHILI Publish Adobe Extensions
- List of CHILI preflight warnings and errors here: Preflight Warnings & Errors
- You don't need to fix warnings, it's just an awareness of potential issues. CHILI may not support all the features InDesign has (for example: rounded corners on boxes, gradient strokes, and blend modes and effects on objects).
- You DO need to fix errors.