Each frame – or artwork element – in your design has the capacity to essentially be “locked” or “unlocked” for your end users. By default, your account is set up for all frames to be locked to your end user but unlocked for you, as the designer. This means you are allowed to edit your designs, but your end users are not.
While the majority of our design should probably be locked down for our end users, there may be occasions where you want them to be able to move or resize an element, give them the option to move or resize an image within a frame, or even turn on the Inline Text Tool. All of these options are possible by changing your Frame Constraints.
Each Frame Constraint has four options:
- Inherit – This is inheriting your document constraints, which are set to “Lock for End Users” by default (see details below).
- Lock – This will lock your frame constraint option down for end users and for you. This functions similarly to the “Lock” feature in InDesign.
- Lock for End Users – This is the default setting for frame constraints. This means that your artwork is locked for your end users but allows you to move and edit frames.
- No – This unlocks your frame constraint option for you and for your end users in Tempo.
Frame Fit Settings
The top six options in your Frame Constraints panel allow you to set Manual fit const. to None or No Whitespace via a dropdown, set the maximum and minimum width your selected frame, set the maximum and minimum height of your selected frame, and preserve the aspect ratio.
Frame Move Region
This dropdown allows you to control where your frame can be placed in your design.
- Anywhere – allows the selected frame to be positioned anywhere, even outside the page itself.
- Page – allows the selected frame to be positioned only within the page.
- Page Margins – allows the selected frame to be moved within the page margins.
- Bleed Box – allows the selected frame to be moved outside the page, but withing the bleed region.
- Custom Region – allows you to define a region the frame can move within using X and Y transform options.
Frame Constraint Definitions:
- “Set All To:” dropdown – sets all the below options to the same value.
- Lock Move Hor. – allows or locks the horizontal movement of your selected frame.
- Lock Move Ver. – allows or locks the vertical movement of your selected frame.
- Lock Resize – allows or locks the resizing of your selected frame.
- Lock Rotate – allows or locks the rotating of your selected frame.
- Lock Delete – allows or locks the deleting of your selected frame.
- Lock Content – allows or locks the editing of the content of a frame. This would allow your end user to move or resize the content within an image frame. This is also how you will activate the Inline Text Tool for editable text frames.
- Lock Frame Settings – allows or locks the possibility of changing the frame settings.
Frame Content Constraints
In addition to Frame Constraints, you can limit the various colors, paragraph and character styles, font selection, etc. of your selected frame. You also have the ability to set all Frame Content Constraints to the same value.
- Inherit – by default, this is set to “All Items Allowed” (see details below).
- All Items Allowed – allows you and your end users to select from all of the various colors, paragraph and character styles, font selection, image fit mode, etc. available in your document.
- Limited Selection – allows you and your end users to select from a specific selection of the various colors, paragraph and character styles, font selection, image fit mode, etc. available in your document.
- Limited Selection for End User - allows your end users to select from a specific selection of the various colors, paragraph and character styles, font selection, image fit mode, etc. available in your document when they are working in Tempo. As the designer, you will still be able to choose from all available options within your document.