When working within Divvy's content editor, clicking SAVE in the top right will store the latest version of your content. Behind the scenes, our system "stamps" each version with certain bits of information, including the user who is editing the content and the date and time that they clicked the SAVE button.
Divvy’s version tracking features then give you the ability to see all previously saved versions of your content on one screen. While viewing your content, you will have an option on the right-hand side that allows you to compare versions.
Compare Versions Button
Let’s say that you’ve been working on an article for your newsletter and there are multiple stakeholders editing the copy. It can be the original copywriter, editor, brand team, etc. When you click on the “Compare Versions” button you now have several options:
- See who has made changes to the content
- Timestamps of all saved edits
- Easily see what has been changed with highlighted text
- Revert the content to a previous version
So, if you aren’t sure what changes a different department or person has made to your document, you will easily be able to see it when you compare versions.
Highlight Changes
Make sure that you check the box at the top right that will allow you to see exactly what changes were made – if something was edited, deleted or added. The highlighted text will tell you exactly what changed so you don’t have to spend a lot of time seeking it out!
Make Edits from Compare Versions Screen
You are able to click the "Open in Editor" screen from the compare versions screen. If someone else is already in Divvy editing this particular piece of content, you will not be able to edit it until they are done editing the content.
We hope that this unique feature provides you additional collaboration and efficiency while using DivvyHQ!