Inline editable text fields allow end users to make text changes directly within the Tempo Fullscreen Editor, offering a streamlined editing experience. This guide will walk you through the steps to make a text field inline editable within the CHILI BackOffice.

By default, your stakeholders have limited ability to edit the design. We can introduce more customization by adding variables and unlocking default constraints. To enable inline text editing, we'll adjust the text frame constraints, allowing stakeholders to modify its content.

Note, inline editing will not work if the frame has a variable in it. 

From your CHILI Back Office template, select the text field you wish to make editable.

Unlike other editable fields that may require variables, inline editable text fields are managed through Frame Settings. Open the Frame panel and scroll down to the Frame Constraints section.

By default, all the elements of your artwork are locked down for the end user. They can't interact with anything unless you create variables or release some constraints. As a result, the content within the text frame is locked, meaning users cannot edit it inline.

Navigate to the Lock Content setting. Change this setting to No to unlock the content, allowing users to click directly into the text frame and make edits within the Tempo preview window.

It's helpful to think of these options as a question. For example: Do I want to lock the content for my end-use? If the answer is no, you do not want it locked, simply change the dropdown to "No" and now your end-user can easily interact with this frame.

Lytho Pro Tip: Unlocking Frame Constraints allows stakeholders to access the Inline Text Toolbar. This toolbar allows the end user to update fonts, font colors, and add bullets.

If you'd like to offer more flexibility to users, you can unlock additional frame options:

  • Horizontal and Vertical Movement: Turn off these options to allow users to move the text field around within the document.
  • Resizing, Rotating, and Deleting: You can also enable permissions for resizing, rotating, or deleting the text field, giving users more interactive control over the template.

These settings provide a more dynamic experience for end users, making it easier to customize the template as needed.

Lytho Pro Tip: It's recommended to be consistent when building text interactivity for each template. Choose either to create variables for Tempo stakeholders to edit or unlock frame constraints for inline editing, but avoid combining both methods in a single template.