All your unscheduled content in one place, on the calendar interface. Just drag and drop, and get producing!
The Divvy Details
Divvy's Unscheduled Content Panel [UCP] houses content items that are in the parking lot status or are in the planned status but don't yet have a deadline date. Presenting content items with these two varied statuses offers a holistic view of all your content that has yet to be put into production.
The Unscheduled Content Icon
To open the UCP on the calendar interface, look for the blue icon in the upper right-hand of the calendar, and give it a click. This will open the UCP, which contains both the Planned and Parked tabs.
The Planned and Parked Tabs
Within the UCP are two tabs, the Planned tab and the Parked tab. The Planned tab contains any content items that are in the planned status but don't have an established deadline. The Parked Tab contains all content items that are in the Parking Lot status, whether they have a deadline or not.
Narrowing In On Your Content Holes
To help make sure you are looking at the right ideas in the parking lot tab, we display content in that view that matches your current calendar interface filters. That way you can make sure you are filling those holes in your content calendar with content that matches your needs (and current view).
Drag and Drop
With your calendar filtered to the view you want, you can simply drag and drop ideas from the Planned or Parked tab directly onto your calendar! Content items put into production via this method will be given a deadline date of the day you drop it on, and the default deadline time for the child calendar the content item exists on.
If you see some content items on the calendar that are not quite ready for prime time, or you dropped something from the UCP to the calendar by accident, worry not! You can drag these content items from the calendar to the UCP. If you drag a content item from the calendar to the planned tab, it will remove any key dates, production task(s) deadline(s), and put it into planned status. If you drag a content item from the calendar to the Parked tab, it will remove any key dates, production task(s) deadline(s), and put it into Parking Lot status.
Search and Sort
If your unscheduled content panel is getting filled with great ideas, but you would like to narrow it down to a specific idea you have in mind, you can simply search it within the panel. You also have the option to sort by date or name if you're uncertain of the exact title of what you're looking for